The Prevention and Early Intervention in Mental Illness and Substance Use Centre of Research Excellence (PREMISE) was funded in 2018 by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. It brings together leading prevention and early intervention research and translation programs in mental health and addiction across five Australian universities: the University of Sydney, UNSW Sydney, the University of Melbourne, the University of Newcastle, and Deakin University.
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW (NDARC)The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) is a leading Australian Research institution that is internationally recognised as a Research Centre of Excellence. The Centre was established at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in 1986 and is funded by the Australian government as part of its National Drug Strategy.
National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University (NDRI) The National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) generates and disseminates high quality research that contributes to preventing drug related harm in Australia and internationally. NDRI has been a key collaborator in the development of the Positive Choices portal.
Learning with FASDLearning with FASD is an online portal housing evidence-based resources to help primary teaching and support staff to understand and support children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Australian schools. Learning with FASD was developed by the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use in collaboration with leading experts and Australian educators, and received funding from the Australian Government Department of Health.
School Drug Education and Road Aware (SDERA)SDERA is the Western Australian State Government's primary drug and road safety strategy for children and young people. SDERA helps young people make smarter choices by providing a resilience approach to road safety and drug and alcohol education. SDERA also offers support for school staff and educators with classroom ready resources, professional learning and state-wide consultancy throughout WA.
Healthy Schools Network (ACT)Healthy Schools Network is a local not for profit organisation that promotes health and wellbeing in ACT school communities. Positive Choices is part of the Healthy Schools Network (ACT).
The Student Wellbeing HubThe Student Wellbeing Hub is an Australian Government Department of Education and Training initiative that aims to create safe, supportive and respectful learning and teaching communities throughout Australia.
TheMHS Learning Network Inc.TheMHS Learning Network Inc. is an organisation that seeks to improve mental health and wellbeing in Australia and New Zealand through events that create opportunities for collaboration, networking and the exchange of ideas. TheMHS endorses the Positive Choices portal.
Cracks in the Ice"Cracks in the Ice" is an online toolkit providing trusted, evidence-based, and up-to-date information about crystal methamphetamine (ice) for the Australian community. Cracks in the Ice was developed in collaboration with, and is currently managed by research staff at the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use.
Generation NextGeneration Next is a grassroots not-for-profit organisation focused on providing education and social advocacy in the area of the mental health and wellbeing of young people.
Your RoomYour Room is a joint initiative by NSW Health and St Vincent's Alcohol and Drug Information Service, to provide information and support to Australians about drugs and alcohol.
Indigenous Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge CentreThe Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre is committed to building the capacity of the Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) workforce, promoting evidence-informed practice across sectors, and encouraging greater integration between policy, practice and research by providing high quality, relevant and up-to-date information. The Knowledge Centre provides expert advice on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander portal of Positive Choices and endorses the Positive Choices portal.
The Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council SA Aboriginal CorporationThe Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council SA Inc (ADAC) currently represents 20 Aboriginal Community Organisations from across South Australia. ADAC provides responses to a range of state and national committees and strategies, helps communities deal with the problems associated with substance misuse, develops health promotional materials, undertakes research on its own and in collaboration with various universities and key national research organisations. ADAC provides expert advice on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander portal of Positive Choices. ADAC endorses the Positive Choices Portal.
The Alcohol and Drug FoundationThe Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) is one of Australia’s leading bodies committed to preventing and minimising alcohol and other drug harms in Australian communities.
WellMobWellMob is a website that brings together online wellbeing resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people including videos, apps, podcasts, websites, social media and online programs. WellMob provides information and links to more than 200 culturally relevant wellbeing resources suitable for frontline health workers to use with clients and their communities.
Healthdirect AustraliaHealthdirect Australia is a government funded public health information service, providing health advice, referral, and virtual services. Positive Choices is a Healthdirect Australia information partner.
NADA Youth AOD Services NetworkThe NADA Youth Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Services Network connects youth AOD workers from NGOs in NSW and the ACT. Meeting bi-monthly, it supports
NADA member services. Network member Karen states: ‘the Network has provided me with quality professional development opportunities and has assisted with my ability to provide referrals. It has also allowed me to stay up-to-date with emerging trends, concerns, good practice and innovation in the industry’. Learn more about the Network and how to join