Drug services and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities

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Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders


If you would like to access national and state-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health service directories and health councils, a list has been provided below.

National Directories and Indigenous Health Councils


Name Service Contact

Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet

The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet is a health service directory which aims to inform practice and policy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health by making research, knowledge and services readily accessible. The services listed cover a range of Indigenous health issues.

Address: Edith Cowan University, 2 Bradford Street, Mt Lawley WA 6050

Phone: (08) 9370 6336

Australian Indigenous Alcohol and other Drugs Knowledge Centre

A directory for alcohol and other drug services specific to Aboriginals and Torres Strait islanders. There are also resources and services for alcohol and other drug workers who work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Address: Edith Cowan University, 2 Bradford Street, Mt Lawley, WA 6050

Phone: +61 8 9370 6336

AODconnect App

AODconnect is a smartphone application (‘app’) that provides a national directory of alcohol and other drug treatment services that is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The app allows users to search for AOD services by state, territory and/or region by alphabetical listing or via an interactive map of Australia.

Address: Edith Cowan University, 2 Bradford Street, Mt Lawley, WA 6050

Phone: +61 8 9370 6336

The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)

The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) is the national peak Aboriginal health body representing Aboriginal community controlled health services throughout Australia.

An Aboriginal community controlled health service is a primary health care service initiated and operated by the local Aboriginal community to deliver holistic, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate health care to the community.

Address: Office: Level 3, 221 London Circuit Canberra City ACT 2601

Postal:  PO Box 5120 Braddon ACT 2612

Admin telephone: (02) 6246 9300

Media /NACCHO NEWS telephone: 0401 331 251

Australian Drug Information Network

Australia’s leading alcohol and drug search directory. Reliable and reviewed information on drug services across rural and metropolitan areas in Australia can be easily located using this directory.

Address: Australian Drug Information Network, Level 12, 607 Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000

Postal: PO Box 818, North Melbourne VIC 3051

Phone: (03) 9611 6100

State-based Directories and Indigenous Health Councils

New South Wales

NSW Indigenous

Name Service Contact

Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council

The peak body for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services in NSW which aims to support Aboriginal peoples to achieve physical, cultural, social and emotional wellbeing, and contribute to the overall health, wellbeing and strength of their communities.

Address: Level 3, 66 Wentworth Ave, Surry Hills NSW 2010

Phone (02) 9212 4777

NSW Health

Information about Aboriginal Health and a list of available Aboriginal Community Controlled Health services in metro and rural NSW. (links to excel spreadsheet of all available Aboriginal health services).

Address: 73 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060

Postal: Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059

Phone: 02 9391 9000

Australian Capital Territory

ACT Indigenous

Name Service Contact

Canberra Hospital and Health Services

The Canberra Hospital's Alcohol and Drugs (AOD) services assists with information on alcohol and other drug associated issues; advice on assisting and managing people who may have alcohol and other drug issues; and support to people affected directly or indirectly by alcohol and drug use.

Address: Alcohol and Drug Services, Canberra Hospital. Level 1, 1 Moore Street, Canberra City

Postal: GPO Box 825, Canberra, ACT, 2601

Phone: (02) 6207 9977

Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service (AHS)

Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service (AHS) is an Aboriginal community controlled primary health care service. It is operated by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community of the ACT. There are a variety of social health programs and clinical services available. Transport can be arranged for those unable to travel to the health service.

Address: 63 Boolimba Crescent, Narrabundah, ACT 2604

Phone: (02) 6284 6222

Western Australia

WA Indigenous


TAS Indigenous

Name Service Contact

Health services directory (not specific to indigenous Australians)

By selecting your region and drug and alcohol support, you can find support in your area.

Phone: 1300 135 513

Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre (TAC) is a comprehensive primary health care service for the Tasmanian Aboriginal community.

Services include:

  • alcohol and other drug use programs
  • prevention, treatment and management
  • counselling services
  • emotional and social wellbeing programs

The service has offices in Launceston, Burnie and Hobart.

Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre Inc

Address: 198 Elizabeth Street, Hobart TAS 7000

Postal: GPO Box 569, Hobart TAS 7001

Phone: (03) 6234 0700

Aboriginal Health Service

Address: 56 Patrick Street, Hobart TAS 7001

Phone: (03) 6234 0777

Launceston Office

Address: 182 Charles Street, Launceston TAS 7250

Phone: (08) 6332 3800

Burnie Office

Address: 53 Alexander Street, Burnie TAS 7230

Phone: (03) 6431 8363

South Australia

SA Indigenous

Name Service Contact

Drug and Alcohol Services in South Australia

Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA) is a state-wide health service that offers prevention and treatment services across South Australia.

Address: 161 Greenhill Road, Parkside SA 5063

Phone: (08) 8274 3333; 1300 13 13 40 (24-hour confidential counselling and information).

All contact details for metropolitan and rural services are available online.

South Australia Health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Provides information on a selection of drug and alcohol  services and resources located in Metro and rural South Australia on the website.

Phone: (08) 8226 6000

Address: Citi Centre Building, 11 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide SA 500

Postal: PO Box 287, Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000

The Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (SA)

The Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council ensures the development of effective programs to reduce harm related to substance misuse in Aboriginal communities.

Address: 155 Holbrooks road, Underdale SA 5032

Phone: +61 8 8351 9031


VIC Indigenous

Name Service Contact

Victoria State Government – Services for Aboriginal people

Information about Aboriginal alcohol and other drug treatment services with a service directory at the bottom of webpage. Check the website for the nearest office.

Department of Health & Human Services, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Phone: 1300 650 172 [local calls free within Victoria, except mobile phones]

The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Incorporated (VACCHO) South Australia Health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Incorporated (VACCHO) represents all Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations in Victoria. VACCHO provides a range of resources and tools, including mental health first aid training and alcohol and other drug resources.

Address: 17-23 Sackville Street, Collingwood VIC 3066

Postal: PO Box 1328, Collingwood VIC 3066

Phone: (03) 9411 9411


QLD Indigenous

Name Service Contact

Queensland Government alcohol and drug support programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

This website provides descriptions of alcohol and drug support programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland. Links to these services are also included.

Phone: 13 74 68

Queensland directory of health and community services

This Queensland Health reference web site is designed to help you access a wide range of health and community services provided by public, private and non-government providers in Queensland.

If you require help to locate a service, call: 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)

  • Website
    Type in ‘drug’ for keyword and type in your location. Then select ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health’ option.

Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC)

Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) is the peak body in Queensland that represents, advocates, and supports the state’s Community Controlled Health Services sector in their delivery of primary health care to their respective communities. Additional roles undertaken by QAIHC include collaborative health research and educating the wider community about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health issues.

QAIHC – West End

Postal: PO Box 3205, South Brisbane QLD 4101

Phone: (07) 3328 8500

QAIHC – Townsville

Address: Unit 2, 278 Charters Towers Road, Hermit Park QLD 4812

Postal: PO Box 1037, Townsville QLD 4810

Phone: (07) 4755 2522

QAIHC Cairns

Address: 186 McCoombe St, (c/o Apunipima Cape York Health Council), Bungalow Qld 4870

Postal: PO Box 12039, Cairns Delivery Centre QLD 4870

Phone: (07) 4081 5600

Northern Territory

NT Indigenous

Name Service Contact

Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory

Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT) is the peak body for Aboriginal community controlled services in the Northern Territory (NT). They advocate for high quality primary health care services that meet the needs of Aboriginal communities.

AMSANT Darwin Office

Address: Moonta House, 43 Mitchell Street, Darwin NT 0800

Postal: GPO Box 1624, Darwin NT 0801

Phone: (08) 8944 6666

AMSANT Alice Springs Office

Address: 5/82 Todd Street, Alice Springs NT 0870

Postal: PO Box 1464, Alice Springs NT 0871

Phone: (08) 8959 4600

Northern Territory Alcohol and Other Drug and Mental Health Services Directory

An extensive directory published by the Northern Territory Council of Social Service and the Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition. This publication aims to help people easily locate alcohol and other drug services and mental health services within the Northern Territory. Services are categorised by their local area and also by their purpose e.g. residential rehabilitation or drug and alcohol support groups.

The directory is available online.

Northern Territory Council of Social Service

Address: 1/18 Bauhinia Street, Nightcliff NT 0810

Postal: PO Box 1128, Nightcliff NT 0814

Phone: (08) 8948 2665

Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition

Address: 5/18 Bauhinia Street, Nightcliff NT 0810

Postal: PO Box 1128, Nightcliff NT 0814

Phone: (08) 8927 2074

Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (CAAC)

The Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (CAAC) have eight branches that cover a wide range of primary health care programs designed to meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Central Australia. Services provided include:

  • alcohol and other drug services
  • medical clinic
  • community health program
  • social and emotional wellbeing centre

Phone: (08) 8951 4400

Head Office

Address: 14 Leichhardt Terrace, Alice Springs NT 0870

Phone: (08) 8951 4401

Main Clinic Service

Address: 25 Gap Road, The Gap, Alice Springs NT 0870

Phone: (08) 8951 4444; Clinic Freecall: 1800 142 900

All medical-related enquiries must be directed to the Clinic

This page has been adapted from the Cracks in the Ice Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples website. 

Page last reviewed: 24/09/2024

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