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National Triple Zero Awareness Work Group.


This is a national app that shows users their location coordinates using GPS built into smart phones. When users call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency, this app enables them to tell the emergency call-taker their exact location.

Information on other national numbers – including Crime Stoppers, Health Direct and the National Relay Service – is also available on the app.

When activated, the built-in accessibility features of a smartphone can audibly describe what appears on-screen. This means a caller can use the app without seeing it. Vision Australia reviewed the app to ensure that it met accessibility requirements.

Evidence Base

Expert Review*:

Emergency+ is a national app developed by Australia's emergency services and Government. It contains accurate information and up-to-date technology to identify a caller's location in an emergency. The app also contains numbers for SES and Police Assistance Lines, helping callers access the appropriate phone number for an incident.

*Review provided by researchers at The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney.

Page last reviewed: 24/09/2024

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