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Illicit Drugs in Sport

Illicit drugs in sport

This resource has undergone expert review.

Year 9–10, Year 11–12
Time Allocated

1-6 lessons






Developed as a collaboration between Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) and National Integrity of Sport Unit (NISU).


Teacher-led class using the lesson plan provided. This includes a lesson overview, key questions, and a list of activities. Activity options are individual, group, class discussion and a video.

For further information about the lesson plan, and to access other lesson plans, visit Sport Integrity Australia's website here.


Access the lesson plan here. The lesson plan provided gives teachers background information, resources and ideas for creating their lessons on the topic of Illicit Drugs in Sport.


  • Knowledge of the World Anti-Doping Authority's rules around illicit drug use both in sport and outside competition
  • Knowledge of the Australian Government's approach to illicit drugs in sport
  • Knowledge of prescription drug use in sport and its effects
  • Understanding the dangers of illicit drug use for health and sports performance
  • Understand how illicit drug use can make athletes vulnerable to exploitation

Evidence Base

Expert Review*:

This is a well-designed lesson plan from the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority. It covers a range of practical, ethical and social issues surrounding illicit and prescription drug use in sport, including the health and safety of athletes. The lesson plan is easily adapted by teachers to suit the needs and developmental level of their students, and can be adapted for Years 9-12.

*Review provided by researchers at the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney.

Page last reviewed: 24/09/2024

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